Financial Therapy
Financial Therapy
Shame, deserving and worthy bias ... just a small conversation about money
Welcome to the Financial Therapy podcast, I’m your host and your Financial Therapist Jane Monica-Jones. In this episode we are talking money, shame, deserving and adversity. The latter of course, we will all go through at some stage in our life. Through a loss of a job, maybe a loss of loved one, an illness or even having some mental health issues.
“All walks of life, it didn’t seem to matter what kind of income your husband had or what kind of house you lived in, you could end up of the street.” - Jan Hatch
How do governments, non-for-profits and even us, deal with adversity and what are the impacts that adversity has not only on our financial lives, but on our sense of self- worth. We’ll look at who deserves what when it comes to the public purse and what are the hard decisions care organisations have to make with limited resources for those that face adversity.
We’ll also be delving into an unconscious bias that we know it exists, but often don’t want to talk about. It’s called ‘worthy bias’, who do we deem as being worthy of society time, money, resources and like.
To help us all unpack, uncover, and maybe enlighten us, we speak with Jan Hatch, a Gestalt Therapist who has a Masters in Social and Public Policy.
So, thank you for joining us as we have a bigger conversation about us and money.
And remember to subscribe to the Financial Therapy podcast.
WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT WORTHY BIAS, check out the Worthy Bias Training ... financialwellbeing.co/worthy-bias
HOST - Jane Monica-Jones, Financial Therapist & Author of The Billionaire Buddha
Financial Therapy - financialtherapy.org
Jane Monica-Jones - janemonicajones.com
Financial Wellbeing Courses - financialwellbeing.co
The Billionaire Buddha on Amazon - https://amzn.to/3kGlBv3
GUEST: Jan Hatch, Gestalt Therapist & Counsellor
Web: https://www.janhatch.com/
Jan works in private practice as a coach, counsellor and therapist with individuals and organisations including LifeCircle, Cancer Council NSW, CaringKids, FAMS, NSW Council of Social Services and Community Restorative Centre. As well as working at Cancer Council NSW, facilitating weekly telephone support groups for people with advanced cancer.
MUSIC: First Day by Huma-Huma